Our Vision

Carrying on the Blueprint


In 2013, my aunt Lorraine left us with a legacy of providing compassion, care and awareness, leading by example as she raised my cousin Michael. She is the inspiration for our whole team here at ERC charities, the reason our family started the organization. Our vision is to carry on the blueprint she left for us, and extend it’s outreach beyond our family and further into the local communities that we serve.

At ERC charities, we believe that we can make an impact by donating our time, talent, & resources. Our goal is that in doing so, we can create improved quality of life for those in our community affected by developmental and cognitive disabilities.

In accomplishing our vision, we started by educating ourselves and our peers through awareness initiatives, and by visiting and vetting local programs that provide care. We then strive to provide much needed resources to those care givers and programs, generated via our regular and growing number of events.

Sal Dispenziere, addressing the participants of the 5th Annual “All Fore the Kids” golf outing.

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Sal Dispenziere III
Chairman, Founder

ERC Charities

A NJ non profit 501 (c) (3) Public charity organization (EIN: 81-5016540)
